“Daak Diye Jai” with the financial support of Bangladesh NGO Foundation has been implementing a livelihood program in village Char Baleshwar of Zianagar Upazila under Pirojpur district with a view to rehabilitate the victims from devastating cyclone ‘Sidr’ occurred on 15 November 2007, particularly the poor fisherman and
the poor cow rearers (involved in animal husbandry). This program was implemented from 10 April 2008 to 24 December 2008.
Duration: April 2008 to December 2008
Area Coverage: Zianagar upazila of Pirojpur district.
Source of Funding: Bangladesh NGO Foundation.
Project Participants: Cyclone Sidr affected poor fishermen and cow rearers.
Major Intervention: Formation of Village Development Committee, distribution of the cows, boats and fishing nets among the beneficiaries.