Project Summary

Supported By

Resilience through Economic Empowerment and Community Adaptation, Leadership and Learning Project (REE CALL-2021)

Project Background:

By the way of DDJ’s experience it is clearly revealed that communities need to build their capacity in changing climate and vulnerability context for making sustainable changes in their lives. Climate change induced frequent and severe disasters have amplified unprecedented vulnerability to life and livelihoods of coastal community in Bangladesh. Cyclone ‘Sidr’ and ‘Aila’ affected the southwest region particularly Pirojpur district in 2007 and 2009 respectively. The effect of ‘Aila’ has weakened traditional coping capacity and practice of local vulnerable people in case of protecting their lives and livelihoods in climate change context. Besides, the ability of community people to deal with shocks and insecurity of disaster and climate change in terms of economic status is very limited which made them double vulnerable in this region. The rampant impacts of climate induced disasters however falls disproportionately on particular poor men and women who have no capacity to possess alternative resilient livelihood resources and accessibility to local government institution such as Union Parishad (UP) or Union Disaster Management Committee (UDMC) for effective disaster related preparedness and recovery. On the situation it is essential to promote building resilient communities in the context of disaster and climate change through economic empowerment and sustainable livelihood for women and men who are living in extreme poverty as well as developing leadership to ensure the sustainability of community people’s life and livelihood and to get the result of development interventions. In the above circumstances, DDJ started this project.

Duration: 1 October 2017 to 31 March 2025

Area Coverage:Indurkani of Pirojpur district.

Source of Funding: Oxfam in Bangladesh

Project Goal:

To make the vulnerable women, men and institutions in rural areas more resilient to social, economic and climatic shocks and stresses by 2021

Project Objectives:

  1. Women, men, their families and communities have benefited from sustainable and equitable economic activity.
  2. Government, communities & civil society have driven sustainable & inclusive climate action & DRR through collective effort.
  3. Duty bearers and lawmakers have developed policies and demonstrated practices that betterincorporate the interests and rights of marginalized people and communities

Project Participants:

Target oriented beneficiaries are farmer, women, fishermen, day laborer, wage laborer, youth, landless, physically challenged and hard-core poor.

Beneficiaries among civil society are local elites, teacher and social & religious leaders. Indirect beneficiaries are Union Council, Union Disaster Management Committee, NGOs, Sect oral Agencies and Private Service Providers (input seller, market actors, livestock vaccinator, etc.).