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Project Background: Bangladesh is a riverine country and experiences devastating floods almost every year.  Due to severe river erosion a significant number of dwelling houses and homesteads of the marginal people living nearby the rivers are lost. The condition of the victims of river erosion is always worst than any other natural disasters. These homeless people then migrate to the neighboring towns and usually lives on the streets. During late 80s, the Government had undertaken a program in collaboration with the European Commission titled ‘Adarsha Gram’ project with an aim to rehabilitate such type of 30-50 homeless families in each cluster.  However, this has been observed that earning an income for the livelihood still remains a major set backs for these families.  Hence, the European Commission and Government of Bangladesh involved NGOs for economic rehabilitation of these families.

Thus DDJ implemented Adarsha Gram Project during 1992-1994 in Ramnagar, Rajarkathi and Shamantagati Adarsha Grams in Pirojpur district.  The main components of the project were (a) Functional Education (b) Awareness raising on usage of safe drinking water and sanitary latrines (c) Skill Development training (c) IGAs and (d) Savings and credit.  Under this project, DDJ imparted skill development training to 115 families and arranged loan support to 65 families.  Due to very short duration of the project and some other limitations, the project could not attain its full objectives, but the education and training given to the beneficiaries would contribute to earning their livelihood and living a better life.

Duration: Year 1992 to 1994.

Area Coverage: Ramnagar, Rajarkathi and Shamantagati Adarsha Grams  of Pirojpur district.

Source of Funding: Ministry of Land of GoB and European Commission.