General Committee:
The General Committee of Dak Diye Jai is the highest policy formulation body and meets once in a year to review and approve plan, budget and expenditure and also formulates policy decisions. This committee is formed by 21 members and elects an Executive Committee for 3 years. As per DDJ constitution the duration of this Committee is 3 years.
Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee of Dak Diye Jai is formed by 7 members. This committee meets quarterly to approve and review the quarterly plan, budget expenditure and progress and makes policy decisions. The Executive Director materializes the decision through his colleagues. As per DDJ constitution the duration of this committee is 3 years.
Senior Management Committee:
DDJ has also a Senior Management Committee (SMC), which comprises of 7 nos. of senior staffs of the organization. The Executive Director presides over the meeting of the committee. This committee reviews day to day activities of the organization and guides the project/program/department heads regularly to keep them on track.