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Project Title: Community Managed Community Clinic Pilot Project.

Project Background: Due to achieving positive results and impact of the Maternal Child Health and Family Planning (MCH & FP) project and the capacity and strength gathered by the organization, the GoB authority (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) assigned DDJ to run Community Managed Community Clinic project (CMCCP) under the Community Managed Community Clinic Pilot Project (CMCCPP). DDJ implemented this one-year project successfully as it has gathered experience of implementing similar projects as well as functioning as a member of the Management Committee of three CMCCs in Projpur district.

The fact behind assigning the responsibilities of running the Community Managed Community Clinics (CMCCs) to the NGOs were that the GOB through these CMCCs wanted to extend “One Stop Service” to the community people during the Five Years Plan. Under the CMCCPP, one CMCC was supposed to provide health services to 6,000 people in the rural areas with a view to ensure quality healthcare services to the community people for solving their health problem. According to the policy guidelines developed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the GOB, the community people were supposed to be involved in running the CMCC. But the achievements were unsatisfactory, many CMCCs were closed, and the people were deprived of getting health services. As such, DDJ was assigned to run the CMCC.

Duration: March 2003 to March 2004.

Area coverage: Zianagar upazila of Pirojpur district.

Source of Funding: Bangladesh Population and Health Consortium (BPHC) and with technical cooperation of the Ministry of Health and Family Planning of GoB.

The Project Goal: To ensure quality healthcare services to the community people for solving their health problem.

Project Objective:

1. To reduce the maternal death rate;

2. To reduce the death rate of the children under five years;

3. To reduce the population growth rate;

4. To conduct vaccination program.

Project Participants: Mother and Child.

Major Intervention:

1. Provide maternal and child health care services;

2. Provide family planning contraceptives i.e. oral pills, condoms etc;

3. Refer the mothers to the govt. hospitals for long-term and permanent family planning methods etc.