Project Background: DDJ implemented the project for the period from July 2002 to June 2005 in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Ministry of Agriculture of GOB and Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The project was implemented in 110 villages, divided into 11 blocks under 8 unions of Nazirpur upazila under Pirojpur district for the poor, small and marginal farmers for undertaking agricultural activities following modern and improved technology.
Duration: July 2002 to June 2005
Area Coverage: Nazirpur upazila of Pirojpur district.
Source of Funding: Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) of GoB.
Project Goal: Improvement of the standard of living and livelihood of the target population of the project area.
Project Objectives:
a) To ensure proper utilization of the existing resources of the target families in the agricultural and non-agricultural activities, such as, homestead vegetable gardening, fruit gardening, development of vegetable seeds and tree plant nursery, poultry rearing, goat rearing, milking cow rearing, cow/beef fattening, fish cultivation, processing of agricultural products & foods for income earning of the target households.
b) To support the targeted marginal and small farmers and their families in the integrated agriculture and crop diversification practices and through establishment of house-based rural enterprises with a view to enhancement of the income of their families.
c) To create income earning opportunities for improvement of the standard of living and livelihood of the target population of the project area
Project Participants: Landless/functionally landless household including homestead, marginal farmers, small farmers, disadvantaged women, divorced family head women.
Major Intervention:
a) Identification of the target households and organized two types of groups with the members of the target families such as (i) Marginal & Landless Group-MLG and (ii) Small Farmers Group- SFG;
b) Took cooperation and support from the DAE at the union level (Block Supervisors), upazila and district levels for group formation (MLG & SFG), training and orientation for their development, and extend support to the target groups;
c) Provide necessary training to the target group members for their development, particularly on agricultural and non-agricultural activities for the skill development and on selection and management of IGAs.
d) Extend cooperation and support to the group members in development and implementation of income generation activities (IGAs).
e) Group-wise implementation of agricultural activities, establishment of demonstration plots, participation in agricultural exhibitions, trainings, workshops and discussion sessions, observation/ celebration of field days, rallies etc.
Group-wise monitoring and evaluation of extension of activities in the agricultural fields.