Project Title: Grameen Tettho Kendra/Village Information Center Project.
Project Background:
Grameen Tettho Kendra is information and communication technology based service center in the rural areas where computer, phone, digital camera, internet etc. are available. The village people can use these facilities according to their localized demands. DDJ started ‘Grameen Tettho Kendra’ project with the funding support of Bangladesh NGO Foundation from 21 October 2009 in Zianagar Upazila.
Duration: October 2009 to October 2012.
Area Coverage: Zianagar upazila of Pirojpur district.
Source of Funding: Bangladesh NGO Foundation.
Project Goal: To contribute in poverty reduction through ensuring access of rural people to ICT and provide right information when necessary in their daily life.
Objective of the Project:
- Poverty alleviation through increasing knowledge of the rural people;
- Reduce digital and knowledge divide between urban and rural areas.
Project Participants: Rural people, youth and students of schools, colleges and other educational institutions.
Major Interventions:
- Providing information services such as on agriculture, health, education, environment, law etc;
- Computer education;
- Provide internet browsing and E-mail services to the rural people;
- Provide training to the youth on ICT;
- Phone services;
- Photo services.