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Background of the Program:

DDJ believes that without economic development and solvency of the resource-poor beneficiaries, no development initiatives can be sustainable. Moreover, easy access to capital is a precondition to implement any economic activity.  As such, DDJ had given special emphasis on economic development through employment and income generation activities of the beneficiaries following group formation approach since its inception with a view to increase their family income and thus creating their position in the family and society as well. Jagoron (former Rural Micro Credit Program) is the initial interventions of the organization for its poor and marginalized groups which was started in 1984.

Duration: The year 1984 to continuing.

AreaCoverage: Pirojpur, Bagerhat, Jhalokathi, Barisal, Borguna and Gopalgonj.

Source of Funding: Palli Karma-Shahayak Foundation (PKSF)

Active Members                               : 26,601

Active Borrowers                             : 22,477

Loan Disbursed (Cumulative) Tk.   : 4,288,686,000

Loan Outstanding Tk.                     : 399,091,262

Savings Outstanding Tk.                : 128,169,957

Goal of the Program:

The goal of the program is to make the rural poor self-reliant as well as empower by providing them with financial support for implementing income generation and self-employment activities and thus establish a system of earning adequate income for ensuring their livelihood, health and education etc.

Objective of the Program:

  • Organize the poor and underprivileged target population into groups and make them conscious through different issue-based discussions during the group meetings;
  • Assist the target beneficiaries in accumulation of small group savings with a view to capital formation;
  • Provide micro credit support the group members for running income generation and self-employment activities for enhancing their family income and thus improving their socio-economic status;
  • Give priority to the women in development efforts and directly involve them in the production process and assist in creating opportunities of earning extra income;
  • Bring women empowerment;
  • Make the rural poor target people skilled through imparting training on poultry, milking cow rearing, beef fattening, goat rearing, fish cultivation, vegetable gardening, various handicrafts and cottage industries;
  • Make the rural poor target people self-reliant through small trades and motivate and mobilize the unemployed youth group to becoming employed.

Target Group:

Rural poor and marginalized people, especially the rural women.

Main Activities under the Program:

  • Provide credit support to targeted people/Group members;
  • Collection of savings from the group members;
  • Provide training to group members on different IGAs;
  • Conduct awareness on socio-economic issues.