Program Background: This program has been undertaken due to severe damage caused by the devastating cyclone Sidr in the south and southwest coastal districts of Bangladesh with the funding support of PKSF.
Duration: February 2007 to 2009.
Area Coverage: Pirojpur, Bagerhat, Jhalokathi, Barisal, Borguna and Gopalgonj.
Source of Funding: PKSF
Project Goal: To bring back the Sidr affected peoples to their normal lives through restoration of their livelihood.
Objective of the Project: To initiate need based livelihoods strategies considering cyclone damages and distribute need based materials for beneficiaries’ livelihoods options mainly agricultural based that include livestock, aquaculture & fisheries, crop and skill training.
Project Participants: Cyclone Sidr affected target beneficiaries.
Major Interventions: Group members.