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Project Title: Mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS among Youth and Adolescent Project

Project Background:

HIV/AIDS is not only a health problem, but it is also well known as a social problem. At present HIV/AIDS is gradually spreading out in an epidemic form throughout the world. Although the HIV virus infection in Bangladesh seems to be very low in comparison to the overall global situation, but in any time this HIV/AIDS infection may be spread out in an epidemic form in Bangladesh due to increasing tendency/rate of taking drugs by using the same needle-syringe by several people continuously, unsafe blood transmission/infusion, uneager ness of using condoms, lack of information for prevention of HIV/AIDS, not informing to others by the infected persons due to fear of being socially disregarded and not coming to the service centers for taking services spontaneously, integrated geographical relation with the HIV/AIDS infected countries. Therefore, the

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has taken various programs at the national level for prevention of HIV/AIDS. The NGOs are working to support the government in this effort. As a part of this, Dak Diye Jai undertook the project.

Duration: July 2005 to December 2009.

Area coverage: Pirojpur Sadar, Zianagar and Nazirpur upazilas of Pirojpur district.

Source of Funding: Global Fund.

Goal of the Project: Protect Bangladesh from the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Objectives of the Project: To provide information to the young generation for prevention of HIV/AIDS and thus protect Bangladesh from the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Project Participants: Youth and adolescent group, credit group members, workers and officials of small industries.

Major Intervention:

1.   Formation of HIV/AIDS youth group;

2.   Run the motivational and awareness raising activities among the credit group members and enable them to prevention of HIV/AIDS;

3.   Proving training to the youth and women group members on HIV/AIDS at the grassroots level;

4.   Provide training to the worker of small industries on HIV/AIDS prevention;

5.   Develop master trainer among the industrial workers.