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Project Background:

On 15th November 2007, cyclone SIDR ravaged the southern coastal districts of Bangladesh. In this cyclone, over 3,000 people lost their lives and millions of people became homeless, possession less and lost their livestock animals and became penniless and destitute. During the cyclone Sidr the most severely affected districts were Barguna, Patuakhali, Jhalokathi, Pirojpur, Bagerhat and Barisal. In the above circumstances, DDJ undertook a separate project named Programmed Initiative for Monga Eradication Project (PRIME-2).

Duration: 23 February 2008 to 24 May 2008

Area Coverage: Zianagar, Bhandaria and Mathbaria Upazilas of Pirojpur district and Morrelgonj Upazila of Bagerhat district.

Source of Funding: PKSF

Project Goal:

The goal of the project is to eradicate Monga by creating daily wage-based employment and self-employment opportunities for the SIDR affected people.

Objectives of the Project:

The objectives of PRIME-2 were as follows:

a)      To create employment opportunity through cash for work program for those who are most vulnerable people; especially women headed families affected by SIDR;

b)      To create income generating activities;

c)      To reduce post SIDR Monga problems;

d)      To rebuild infrastructures damaged by SIDR.

Project Participants:

The target beneficiaries of PRIME-2 include:

a)     Ultra poor people who are most affected by SIDR;

b)     Households that have no earning members and lead by women; especially widows and divorcees with limited resources /assets;

c)     Households of the day laborers and beggars;

d)     Households of elderly persons and persons with disability;

e)     Households of the family leaders who are seriously affected by SIDR;

f)       Households of the persons who are being forced almost every year to mitigate elsewhere in search of employment opportunities.

Major Interventions:

a)     Damaged houses’ ground repairing and raising;

b)     Road construction and repairing;

c)     Educational institution’s ground raising;

d)     Pond cleaning and digging;

e)     Religious institution’s ground raising;

f)       Graveyard’s ground raising;

g)     Village market’s ground raising;

h)     Destroyed fallen tree replacement from homesteads.