Background of the Project:
“Food Security 2012 Bangladesh – UJJIBITO” is a motivated project, with a wide range of interventions implemented by numerous (Forty) implementing partners. The project derives its funding from Bangladesh Government, European Union & PKSF. Understanding the full package is both important and challenging. Bangladesh Government & European Union both signed a financing agreement on 28th May 2013 for the project. There are two main component of the project. They are: (1) Cash for work & (2) Skill development & social awareness program. LGED will implement Rural Employment and Road Maintenance Program-2; on the other hand PKSF will implement Ultra Poor Project (UPP)-Ujjibito. DDJ as the partner NGO of PKSF has been implementing the project from 1st November 2013.
Duration: 1st November 2013 to 30 April 2019
Area Coverage:
Zianagor, Mothbaria and Nazirpur upazilas of Pirojpur district, Kochua, Chitalmari, Mongla, Sarankhola and Morrelgonj upazilas of Bagerhat district and Rajapur and Jhalokati Sadar upazilas of Jhalokati district.
Source of Funding: Bangladesh Government, European Union & PKSF.
Goal of the Project:
The goal of the project is to ensure sustainable poverty reduction as envisaged by the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
Objective of the Project:
The objective of the project is to advance sustainable graduation out of rural ultra-poverty through a combination of public safety nets, social and livelihood development support and longer term linkage with micro-finance.
Target Group/People: Ultra-poor people.