Project Title: Water and Sanitation Project
Project Background:
Until early 90s, outbreak of diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases as epidemic in the southern part of Bangladesh was a common phenomenon. The main reasons of these deadly diseases were the traditional open latrines linked to canals and rivers, and lack of safe drinking water facilities. In that situation in the year 1988, DDJ emphasized on motivating the beneficiaries and the community to combat against environmental pollution through traditional latrines linked to canals and rivers and thus outbreak of water-borne diseases. Initially, the motivation was limited to setting up pit latrines instead of open latrines. With regard to safe drinking water, the beneficiaries were only motivated to drinking water from the reserve ponds since DDJ did not have enough fund to extend loan for tube-wells. However, in 1990 DDJ received sanitation support from NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation (NGO for DWSS). Since then DDJ started installation and distribution of water sealed latrines in the target areas through three village Sanitation Centers (VSC) with the financial and technical support of NGO Forum.
Duration: Year 1989 to continuing.
Area coverage: Zianagar, Nazirpur and Mathbaria upazilas of Pirojpur district.
Source of funding: NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation.
Project Goal: To safe the rural people from water-borne diseases as well as to extend water supply and sanitation support to them.
Objective of the Project:
1. To improve prevailing water and sanitation situation in the target areas;
2. To achieve 100% sanitation coverage in the target areas.
Project Participants: Rural people.
Major Intervention: Sanitary latrine materials such as rings, slabs production, awareness raising and motivational activities such as miking, postering, leaflet distribution, conduct community meetings, rally etc.