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Uplifting the Quality of the Lives of the Elderly People Program
Background of the Program:
Old life is a normal result of human life. Older men in old age suffer from various problems. One of the main problems of elderly people in Bangladesh is health problems and bad economic situation. The family is an ancient organization in the context of our culture. In the past, the elderly people would receive service and assistance from everyone in the joint family, and in this way their time would have been passed. At that time in the family and society there was a special value and culture of taking as much time as possible to serve the elderly as well as to show respect and honor to them. But now the collective families are breaking down due to various social, cultural and economic changes. The elderly members are losing sympathy for them, increasing negligence and they are facing deprivation. Besides, now-a-days for declination of social values the elderly people are losing their power and respect from their own family and gradually being excluded from all the activities of the society. Especially for the old age problem of the grassroots elderly people, and on the other hand, due to their extreme financial poverty, they are being deprived of all types of services of family and in every aspect of the society. As a result, these populations are constantly facing various social security risks; which may be marked as a national problem in the future. There is no way to disregard this huge population of society. So, now the development of lives of the elderly people has become a very important issue in the national and international level. Considering this matter as an important issue, Dak Diye Jai has started implementing this program at Balipara union under Indurkani upazila of Pirojpur district with funding support of PKSF.
Duration:July 2017 to continued.
Area Coverage:Balipara union under Indurkani upazila of Pirojpur district
Source of Funding:Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
Goal of the Program:To help lessen miseries of the elderly people.
Target Group/People:Elderly people of the program area.
DDJ has taken the following activities for the development of the lives of the elderly people.
- Identification of the elderly population of Balipara union and update the list every year;
- Establishment of social centers for elderly people;
- Formation of committee of elderly people at village, ward and union level;
- Providing orientation / training to the members of the committees;
- Organizing monthly meeting of the committees;
- Providing old age allowance under the program;
- Providing special assistance to the elderly people (eg. umbrella, work stick, chair, commode, blanket, chuddar, wheel chair etc.);
- Providing health care services for the elderly people;
- Providing physiotherapy services to physically ill elderly people;
- Honoring the best elderly under the program;
- Providing the best children’s honor under the program;
- Providing financial support for the funeral of the elderly members considering their financial incapability;
- Providing care and housing assistance to the elderlymembers considering their financial incapability;
- Starting special savings schemes for the elderly people;
- Providing special credit facilities and training for the elderly members;
- Organizing different programs, day observations, rallies and elderly fairs to ensure the social benefits of the elderly population.